Report on the 4th Brock Go Tournament

With 23 players of all ages, including 8 children and a wide range of playing strengths the 4th Brock Go tournament was a lot of fun!

Great weather, free food + drinks and more prizes than players made our 4th Brock GO Tournament a successful event enjoyed by all who attended. 23 players from Toronto, Hamilton, London and St Catharines were divided into 4 divisions with: Five players in the 4d-7d division (including two 7d and one 6d player), five in the 2k-3d division, nine in the 9k-3k, and four in the 10k+ division.

In the breaks between games the long corridors of the building were a great race track for the 8 participating children.

Winners in each division were:

XaioFei Deng 7d with 4 wins
Peter McMain 2k with 3 wins
Andy Begbie 4k with 4 wins
Owen Sedgwick 12k with 2 wins

The tournament was free but donations were received and handed out as prizes to the top 3 players who like everyone else could also pick another prize from the table of goodies (books, chocolate, home made preserves, ...). There were some exciting games including a 0.5 point win of Oliver Wolf against James Sedgwick.


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