Report on the 5th Brock Go Tournament

With 30 players from Toronto, Rochester, Hamilton, London, Waterloo and St. Catharines we had the largest Brock Tournament so far. Participation was free including food, drinks, prizes donated by Beate Wolf and an artistic certificate for everyone. Thanks go to James for running the pairings.

The day started with a miracle. When the organizer (T. Wolf) came in the morning with a trolley full of Go equipment, food, drinks, prizes, computer,... he noticed that he had forgotten the kettle. On a second thought, if the kettle would have been in the cupboard where all the other Go-stuff is stored, he would have noticed and brought it, so it must have been lost. But then surprise, on the end of the sideboard where the food was to be prepared was standing our kettle, sitting there obviously since our last Go tournament from last year, freely accessible to be taken away on a public floor where several hundred students are passing along each and every day! This time we made sure to take it back to our Go-Club cupboard.

Winners in each division (players with a * won all their games.)

Place Dan Division 3k-5k 8K-10K 12K-15K 18K-25K
1 James Sedgwick Avery Thompson Musa - Al Hasa * Kyle Cutler * Chris Fontein
2 Nicholas Prince Thomas Wolf Owen Sedgwick Daniel Opperwall
3 Dave Keenan


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10