Report on the 7th Brock Go Tournament

With 34 players we broke our record of 30 participants two years ago by 4 players! Playing strengths varied again widely from several 6 Dan to 20 kyu. After four rounds of play we determined winners to 4 groups:

Place Open 1-3D 1-5K 6K+
1 Minsung Suh Wilson Hsu Yu Liu Melissa Harkens
2 Oliver Wolf Sam Xia Peter Mcmain Ahmet Balcioglu
3 James Sedgwick Igor Batruch Jamie Marinic Douglas Griffith

Apart from traditional participants from Toronto, London, Waterloo, Hamilton and St Catherines, the attending players from Buffalo made this an international tournament. Thank you!

We had financial support from the Brock Conficius Institute for the last years but this year is exceptional. Apart from sponsoring book and puzzle prizes, free bagels, creame cheese, juice, coffee, tee, hot chocolate we were even funded pizza for lunch. Six extra large versions were eaten in no time. A big 'Thank you!' goes to Hongfu Chen and the other delegates from the Confucius Institute.

The proceeds of the $5 participation fee were given back as cash prizes in addition to prizes donated by Beate Wolf and the Confucius Institute. As always, everyone obtained an artistic certificate. Thanks go to James Sedgwick for running the pairings and bringing playing sets and clocks.
