Report on the 8th Brock Go Tournament

With 30 players we got close to our last years participation record. This is remarkable because of several Go tournaments being held currently, for example, one in Toronto next weekend. Playing strengths varied again widely from several 6 Dan to 20 kyu. After four rounds of play we determined winners to 5 groups:

Place 5D+ 1-4D 1-3K 4-9K 10K-20K
1 Ben Mantle Mark Wong Bin Li Douglas Griffith Alice Sedgwick
2 Minsung Suh Jerry Xiu Dinesh Ramdhayan

This tournament was special among the tournaments held at Brock so far. With Gansheng Shi 1P we had a professional player who commented on player's games and was available to answer any Go related question.

Other novelties were the ability to provide a warm lunch from a Chinese restaurant and support for travel costs to our players from London, Toronto and Hamilton. Also our prize fund was extended compared to previous years.

All this became possible through the generous financial support from the Brock Confucius Institute and the LICALIVA International Weiqi Club Toronto through Feng Li. A big 'Thank you!' goes to both sponsors!

Thanks go also to James Sedgwick for running the pairings and bringing playing sets and clocks, to Beate Wolf for logistics support and Yali Ning for preparing a poster.
