( ; GM[1] FF[1] CA[UTF-8] AP[Jago:Version 5.0] ST[2] RU[AGA] SZ[19] KM[7.50] TM[3600] OT[5x30 byo-yomi] GN[Redmond Cup Junior Division Round 1 - 2010 US Go Congress ] PW[Oliver Wolf] PB[Henry Zhang] WR[2d] BR[1d] DT[2010-08-02] EV[Redmond Cup] RO[1] PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/] US[Justin Teng] C[2. August 2010, Round 1 of the Junior Redmond Cup Black: Henry Zhang White: Oliver Wolf ] RE[W+34.50] ; B[dp] ; W[pc] ; B[dd] C[Goleath [1k\]: juniors :) Goleath [1k\]: how old are the players? USGO6 [-\]: both are 11 or 12 i think USGO5 [-\]: Both 11] ; W[oq] ; B[pe] C[Goleath [1k\]: 11 and playing P3 :D miao [6d\]: lol oliver miao [6d\]: tell him lukas wishes him good luck xedover [?\]: sure, why not? miao [6d\]: euro miao [6d\]: i know him] ; W[pi] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver lets out an "oops" miao [6d\]: from german youth championchip miao [6d\]: looool miao [6d\]: :P] ; B[qc] ; W[qb] ; B[qd] ; W[mc] ; B[qp] ; W[qm] C[Goleath [1k\]: how old are you, Miao? :)] ; B[op] ; W[pp] C[GoShinobi [-\]: hehe cool oliver is playing GoShinobi [-\]: go oliver !!!] ; B[pq] ; W[po] ; B[nq] C[teacher9 [?\]: r3! ] ; W[or] C[teacher9 [?\]: drn >.< HlFl [-\]: oh Henry!] ; B[nr] C[miao [6d\]: i am 17 uefa: your mean teacher9 [?\]: ill be 17 in few days :D] ; W[de] C[MChow [1k\]: uefa, miao didn't do anything to you Goleath [1k\]: oi oi... ladder breaker enroute USGO5 [-\]: This game is really weird Goprince [3d\]: joke... Goprince [3d\]: contacting a 4-4 stone] ; B[qq] C[miao [6d\]: umm miao [6d\]: w has a problem USGO5 [-\]: why? miao [6d\]: not enaugh points USGO5 [-\]: its too early to tell teacher9 [?\]: c17 w !] ; W[cd] C[GoShinobi [-\]: his opening looks weird USGO5 [-\]: kids games are crazy miao [6d\]: :P miao [6d\]: still miao [6d\]: id feel so uncomfortable miao [6d\]: << USGO5 [-\]: Oliver is slamming a lot of moves onto the board miao [6d\]: lol USGO6 [-\]: I'm not going to ask why you're commenting on this game :P teacher9 [?\]: poor stones *] ; B[ed] C[USGO5 [-\]: I'm only observing from where I am.] ; W[ee] C[USGO5 [-\]: Nothing interesting here Indigospot [1k\]: no stream for this one right? miao [6d\]: lol Aokame [2k\]: how old are they? USGO6 [-\]: 11 miao [6d\]: these last 2 moves are greeedy :D USGO5 [-\]: Oliver is playing standing up USGO5 [-\]: now he sat down Aokame [2k\]: hehe, like miao at tourneys ;) miao [6d\]: :D USGO6 [-\]: Oliver has a big smirk on his face] ; B[gd] C[miao [6d\]: but i donĀ“t play as fast as him when my opponent is only one stone weaker USGO6 [-\]: while Henry seems to be much more composed miao [6d\]: wait i do miao [6d\]: << mihi [6d\]: kids games are crazy because they like overplaying too much miao [6d\]: lol miao [6d\]: wtf] ; W[fd] C[sweety [-\]: miao, pls mind your language..] ; B[fc] ; W[fe] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: is this the oliver from canada? USGO5 [-\]: yeah USGO6 [-\]: yes miao [6d\]: whisky torch and fork? sweety [-\]: >.> miao [6d\]: ;)] ; B[gc] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: i see, he goes everywhere with go events miao [6d\]: yeah he has a nice grandfather USGO6 [-\]: Oliver stops to think miao [6d\]: he thought?] ; W[cc] C[miao [6d\]: o.o] ; B[kc] C[GoShinobi [-\]: haha miao] ; W[kd] C[miao [6d\]: http://www.dgob.de/news/autor/ml/img/10dedjgm.jpg] ; B[jd] ; W[ld] C[miao [6d\]: me and oliver play against some strange looking guy Aokame [2k\]: miao, du poser ;) miao [6d\]: :P] ; B[jc] C[Aokame [2k\]: welcher ist oliver?] ; W[qf] ; B[rb] ; W[pb] C[miao [6d\]: der european youth mensch] ; B[ne] C[GoShinobi [-\]: lol sieht Ferdinand so alt aus ?] ; W[je] C[GoShinobi [-\]: wie 11 ?] ; B[ie] C[miao [6d\]: :P teacher9 [?\]: k15? GoShinobi [-\]: ^_^] ; W[mf] C[miao [6d\]: hoho] ; B[pf] ; W[qg] C[teacher9 [?\]: O.O Aokame [2k\]: im rooting for b] ; B[oh] C[miao [6d\]: hm] ; W[nf] ; B[og] ; W[oi] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: wrong direction] ; B[mh] C[GoShinobi [-\]: yep think so to GoShinobi [-\]: too GoShinobi [-\]: n12 better] ; W[if] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver gets up to look at the senior division game miao [6d\]: hane should be nobi] ; B[he] ; W[ni] ; B[mg] C[USGO6 [-\]: and now, back at his seat, is starting to think again] ; W[kg] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: looking at others 'game usually shows a sign of confidence] ; B[li] C[BrockGo [-\]: with kids easily false confidence] ; W[cj] ; B[lk] ; W[ml] C[teacher9 [?\]: o10 :P miao [6d\]: hoho funny miao [6d\]: :P] ; B[ra] ; W[fq] C[miao [6d\]: lol teacher9 [?\]: ? zhou901108 [1d\]: good extrange for w miao [6d\]: yes miao [6d\]: bad move worse response and tenuki miao [6d\]: lol :)] ; B[cn] C[miao [6d\]: fun game] ; W[dr] C[miao [6d\]: g3] ; B[hq] ; W[cq] ; B[fp] ; W[gq] ; B[gp] ; W[hr] ; B[eq] ; W[er] ; B[ir] ; W[iq] ; B[hp] ; W[gr] C[teacher9 [?\]: ha] ; B[lm] ; W[ll] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver stands again teacher9 [?\]: <3 wsgo for keeping us informed teacher9 [?\]: usgo* USGO6 [-\]: np ^_^] ; B[re] C[teacher9 [?\]: l8] ; W[rf] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver walks around to the side of the board for a different angle] ; B[sc] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: hmm that's what i do when trying to solve a hard tsumego problem teacher9 [?\]: i bet his opponent is like wat is he doing <.< and feels intimidated a bit xD miao [6d\]: e10 is big miao [6d\]: k2 almost as big miao [6d\]: and top group not 100% clear] ; W[jq] C[Komodo [24k\]: black seems to be afraid but white is calmly taking his time to look the board over] ; B[dk] ; W[dj] ; B[ek] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver seems to be paying more attention to me than the game ;)] ; W[ej] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: i'm pretty sure oliver is more experienced .. miao [6d\]: lol] ; B[fk] ; W[jo] ; B[in] ; W[io] ; B[hn] ; W[ck] ; B[cl] ; W[fj] ; B[gf] ; W[fg] C[VISA [4d\]: w leading by a lot zhou901108 [1d\]: yeah and groups solid enough zhou901108 [1d\]: r5 and d17 and g9 are all good spots, really wanna take them all] ; B[kr] ; W[jr] ; B[oo] ; W[qo] C[Marhendaer [?\]: d18 instead of d17 for black, no ?] ; B[mm] C[VISA [4d\]: yes =) VISA [4d\]: what is b doing?] ; W[ol] C[USGO5 [-\]: Interesting runaway [4k\]: going crazy perhaps? USGO5 [-\]: kids are always crazy] ; B[kl] ; W[gk] ; B[gl] ; W[hl] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: ioh i meant e17 instead of d17 Excalibor [-\]: i think he is being creative and having fun at the same time :) Excalibor [-\]: how are their faces, usgo?] ; B[hk] ; W[gj] ; B[gm] ; W[nm] C[USGO6 [-\]: Henry looks the same as the beginning of the game, calm USGO6 [-\]: Oliver keeps looking at me every few seconds Excalibor [-\]: xD lithograph [3k\]: heehee BrockGo [-\]: Here is a picture taken last week http://media.cyberoro.com/photo/201007/100728-21daesang.jpg ] ; B[mk] ; W[nl] ; B[hj] ; W[bl] C[zhou901108 [1d\]: nicew] ; B[cm] ; W[hi] ; B[jj] C[Excalibor [-\]: kawaii :)] ; W[nd] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver stands up again Excalibor [-\]: typical face 'i've never broken a glass' and Denice the Menace :-)] ; B[db] ; W[cb] ; B[on] ; W[ro] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver goes to watch the senior division game again VISA [4d\]: w+20 is my guess VISA [4d\]: or resign Excalibor [-\]: that's a lot, yes] ; B[bp] ; W[cp] ; B[co] ; W[dq] ; B[ep] ; W[ec] ; B[eb] ; W[oe] ; B[od] ; W[me] ; B[br] ; W[bq] ; B[rp] C[sohigh [1k\]: w + 25 or b resign sohigh [1k\]: says my count (: Na107 [?\]: d17 big sohigh [1k\]: how old are the players ? USGO6 [-\]: both are 11] ; W[sp] C[sohigh [1k\]: w`s performing really impressive (:] ; B[sq] ; W[so] ; B[rr] ; W[dc] ; B[oc] ; W[ob] ; B[pd] ; W[lb] ; B[kb] ; W[jn] ; B[jm] ; W[da] ; B[fa] ; W[bo] ; B[bm] ; W[bk] C[USGO6 [-\]: Oliver has 35 minutes of main time remaining, while Henry has 22] ; B[gg] ; W[gh] ; B[kq] ; W[kp] ; B[jf] ; W[ke] ; B[ig] ; W[pn] ; B[ff] ; W[ef] ; B[pa] ; W[nb] ; B[ph] ; W[qh] ; B[nk] ; W[ok] ; B[ea] ; W[ho] ; B[go] ; W[kn] ; B[km] ; W[ii] ; B[ij] ; W[qa] ; B[ca] ; W[bb] ; B[lp] ; W[lo] ; B[mp] ; W[lr] ; B[lq] ; W[ks] ; B[mr] ; W[ls] ; B[ip] ; W[jp] ; B[ms] ; W[js] ; B[sf] ; W[sg] ; B[se] ; W[ji] ; B[ki] ; W[jg] ; B[hf] C[mais [8k?\]: why didn't w block at b19? USGO5 [-\]: ko mais [8k?\]: i see. thx] ; W[ka] ; B[ja] ; W[la] ; B[ln] ; W[mo] ; B[nn] ; W[am] ; B[an] ; W[al] ; B[om] ; W[pm] ; B[no] ; W[nj] ; B[lf] ; W[kf] ; B[lg] ; W[ao] ; B[bn] ; W[ap] ; B[ba] ; W[mj] ; B[lj] ; W[ab] ; B[hh] ; W[gi] ; B[gb] C[VISA [4d\]: w+35 by SE] ; W[ih] ; B[ge] ; W[if] ; B[hg] ; W[of] ; B[pg] ; W[qi] ; B[kh] ; W[is] ; B[jf] ; W[aa] ; B[da] ; W[if] ; B[eg] ; W[fh] ; B[jf] ; W[dl] ; B[fl] ; W[if] ; B[aq] ; W[ar] ; B[jf] ; W[ga] ; B[ha] ; W[if] ; B[rg] ; W[rh] ; B[jf] ; W[jb] ; B[ib] ; W[do] ; B[dm] ; W[if] ; B[mn] ; W[ko] ; B[jf] ; W[em] ; B[el] ; W[if] ; B[sh] ; W[si] ; B[jf] ; W[dn] ; B[dl] ; W[if] ; B[hs] ; W[gs] ; B[jf] ; W[im] ; B[il] ; W[if] ; B[qe] ; W[jf] C[nicl: that a thret?] ; B[mi] ; W[nh] ; B[lc] ; W[le] ; B[jh] ; W[ng] ; B[nc] C[USGO6 [-\]: Now counting... zhou901108 [1d\]: ah oliver wonbig miao [6d\]: gratulations to olver from me zhou901108 [1d\]: just use se faster USGO6 [-\]: w+34.5 USGO6 [-\]: Thanks for watching everyone! xedover [?\]: thanks usgo6 sweety [-\]: thanks USGO6~ miao [6d\]: thc mais [8k?\]: thx] )