( ; GM[1] FF[1] CA[UTF-8] AP[Jago:Version 5.0] ST[2] RU[Japanese] SZ[19] KM[0.00] PW[White] PB[Black] GN[jrround2] C[3. August 2010, Round 2 of the Junior Redmond Cup Black: Oliver Wolf White: Henry Zhang] ; B[dq] ; W[pd] ; B[dd] ; W[pq] ; B[po] ; W[pm] ; B[qq] ; W[qr] ; B[qp] ; W[or] ; B[no] ; W[mp] ; B[mo] ; W[kq] ; B[np] ; W[mq] ; B[qk] ; W[ol] ; B[qm] ; W[qn] ; B[pn] ; W[ql] ; B[rm] ; W[rl] ; B[rn] ; W[pk] ; B[nc] ; W[lc] ; B[pf] ; W[nd] ; B[md] ; W[ne] ; B[oc] ; W[pe] ; B[mc] ; W[ph] ; B[me] ; W[fc] ; B[hc] ; W[fe] ; B[df] ; W[id] ; B[ic] ; W[jd] ; B[kb] ; W[hd] ; B[kc] ; W[do] ; B[cm] ; W[en] ; B[cp] ; W[co] ; B[fq] ; W[dl] ; B[ck] ; W[cl] ; B[bl] ; W[dk] ; B[cj] ; W[dj] ; B[ci] ; W[cc] ; B[dc] ; W[db] ; B[eb] ; W[cb] ; B[cd] ; W[ec] ; B[gc] ; W[fb] ; B[gd] ; W[ef] ; B[ge] ; W[dg] ; B[cg] ; W[de] ; B[cf] ; W[ce] ; B[be] ; W[ee] ; B[bd] ; W[ig] ; B[pg] ; W[oh] ; B[nf] ; W[pc] ; B[rf] ; W[re] ; B[mg] C[heywardbey [2d\]: white is going to have difficulty tryint o win this..] ; W[rc] ; B[om] ; W[qj] ; B[pl] ; W[rk] C[miao [6d\]: again? miao [6d\]: didn´t they play already in round 1? BrockGo [-\]: best 2 out of 3] ; B[hh] C[miao [6d\]: .......] ; W[ih] C[USGO11 [-\]: Yeah this is the finals :P miao [6d\]: omg] ; B[hi] ; W[kh] ; B[dm] ; W[em] ; B[el] C[USGO11 [-\]: Both players are playing fast USGO11 [-\]: Henry is pausing to think USGO11 [-\]: Oliver is staring intently at the board.] ; W[gm] ; B[fl] ; W[fj] ; B[gl] C[jenesis [4d?\]: how old are these little ones MrCactu5 [2k\]: i went to china with oliver... loves to cut USGO11 [-\]: both are 11] ; W[eh] ; B[dh] ; W[eg] ; B[ei] ; W[di] C[jenesis [4d?\]: is this round 1 of redmond cup?] ; B[ch] C[USGO11 [-\]: Round 2] ; W[fi] ; B[hm] C[USGO11 [-\]: Oliver won the first round] ; W[go] C[jenesis [4d?\]: no results for this on the aga website yet...=(] ; B[gn] ; W[bn] ; B[bm] ; W[gp] ; B[gq] ; W[ip] ; B[jm] ; W[hg] ; B[gg] ; W[jj] ; B[hf] ; W[mi] ; B[nl] C[jenesis [4d?\]: oh is this the finals? best 2 out of 3? USGO11 [-\]: Yep jenesis [4d?\]: so this is a must win for henry] ; W[ok] C[USGO11 [-\]: Yeah ] ; B[jo] ; W[hq] ; B[bp] C[jenesis [4d?\]: b is ahead jenesis [4d?\]: does not seem hopeful for henry] ; W[hj] C[USGO11 [-\]: His bro is pretty strong though] ; B[if] C[jenesis [4d?\]: hugh?] ; W[jf] C[USGO11 [-\]: Yes] ; B[je] ; W[lf] C[jenesis [4d?\]: who is playing for the senior division? USGO11 [-\]: Curtis Tang vs Jianing Gan] ; B[mf] C[USGO11 [-\]: Curtis Won both games. jenesis [4d?\]: curtis is very strong ^^ USGO11 [-\]: Yep :)] ; W[ke] ; B[kd] ; W[ie] C[jenesis [4d?\]: I remember he beat a chinese pro once] ; B[mh] ; W[gh] C[USGO11 [-\]: He played Ryo Maeda today USGO11 [-\]: In one of Ryo's Simuls] ; B[gr] ; W[kn] ; B[ko] C[jenesis [4d?\]: did he win? USGO11 [-\]: I'm not sure jenesis [4d?\]: curtis beat artem in the transatlantic youth tourney USGO11 [-\]: I only watched half the match jenesis [4d?\]: wish I was at congress...] ; W[ln] C[jenesis [4d?\]: thanks for the updates btw USGO11 [-\]: This is my first USGO11 [-\]: No prob jenesis [4d?\]: ah] ; B[lp] C[jenesis [4d?\]: who are you? if you do not mind me asking... USGO11 [-\]: A go player ;) jenesis [4d?\]: ain't that the truth USGO11 [-\]: You can see my name in the game info after you press options] ; W[lq] ; B[jn] ; W[ll] ; B[lo] ; W[mm] C[jenesis [4d?\]: oh yea USGO11 [-\]: ^_^ jenesis [4d?\]: the transcriber name is always on the game record] ; B[ir] C[jenesis [4d?\]: so much for secrecy USGO11 [-\]: lol] ; W[hr] ; B[hs] ; W[jp] ; B[nm] ; W[nk] ; B[ml] C[miao [6d\]: now i know why oliver focuses more on you than on the game] ; W[lk] C[miao [6d\]: << USGO11 [-\]: lol miao [6d\]: go players don´t see women that often :P] ; B[mk] ; W[mj] C[jenesis [4d?\]: even if they are 11 joshowa [-\]: rofl] ; B[ob] ; W[pb] ; B[pa] ; W[qa] ; B[oa] C[USGO11 [-\]: O..o] ; W[qb] C[IceWine [1k\]: blitz undo] ; B[nq] ; W[nr] C[fikus: s12 huge USGO11 [-\]: lol] ; B[rh] ; W[qg] ; B[qf] ; W[qh] ; B[ri] ; W[jc] ; B[jb] ; W[rq] C[IceWine [1k\]: w leading] ; B[rp] ; W[sr] ; B[hk] ; W[gj] ; B[bo] ; W[cn] ; B[an] C[USGO11 [-\]: Oliver sits back in his chair USGO11 [-\]: While Henry ponders over his next move.] ; W[bc] ; B[fm] ; W[ep] ; B[lg] ; W[jr] C[USGO11 [-\]: Oliver has 37 min left on his clock and Henry has 31.] ; B[iq] ; W[hp] ; B[ik] ; W[ij] ; B[kg] ; W[jg] ; B[nh] ; W[ni] ; B[mn] ; W[eq] ; B[er] ; W[lm] ; B[jk] ; W[rg] ; B[sg] ; W[og] ; B[of] ; W[qe] ; B[kk] ; W[kj] ; B[gb] ; W[ga] ; B[ha] ; W[fa] ; B[kf] ; W[le] ; B[ld] ; W[je] ; B[lh] ; W[li] ; B[ek] ; W[ej] ; B[fn] ; W[dp] ; B[dr] ; W[js] ; B[is] ; W[ad] ; B[ae] ; W[ac] ; B[qi] ; W[pi] ; B[rj] C[MrCactu5 [2k\]: is there a komi?] ; W[sj] ; B[sh] C[USGO11 [-\]: yes 7.5 USGO11 [-\]: AGA rules] ; W[fg] ; B[gf] ; W[se] ; B[sf] ; W[op] ; B[oq] ; W[pp] ; B[oo] ; W[pr] ; B[sp] ; W[sm] ; B[sn] ; W[sq] ; B[kl] ; W[io] ; B[sl] ; W[sk] ; B[in] ; W[pm] ; B[gs] ; W[jq] ; B[pl] ; W[ao] ; B[ap] ; W[pm] C[Modoc [7k\]: Man I hate mistake ko's] ; B[fo] ; W[fp] ; B[pl] ; W[fr] ; B[fs] ; W[pm] ; B[oe] ; W[od] ; B[pl] ; W[es] ; B[ds] ; W[pm] ; B[km] ; W[lj] ; B[pl] ; W[am] ; B[al] ; W[pm] C[jenesis [4d?\]: looks like w wins without the ko] ; B[jh] ; W[ji] ; B[pl] C[jenesis [4d?\]: henry did a good job catching up there jenesis [4d?\]: made decent points in the center Modoc [7k\]: Will I guss this ko is over 1 point. so its not a full mistake ko] ; W[bf] ; B[bg] ; W[pm] ; B[rr] ; W[rs] ; B[pl] ; W[ag] ; B[af] ; W[pm] C[MrCactu5 [2k\]: is the difference even one pt? MrCactu5 [2k\]: er 3?] ; B[pj] ; W[oj] ; B[pl] ; W[ed] ; B[ah] ; W[pm] ; B[gi] ; W[ii] ; B[pl] C[Modoc [7k\]: if B wins the ko W losses 1 or 2 Points?] ; W[hb] ; B[ib] ; W[pm] ; B[sm] ; W[pl] ; B[eo] ; W[dn] ; B[hn] ; W[gk] ; B[fk] ; W[kp] ; B[ho] ; W[ff] ; B[fd] ; W[he] ; B[si] ; W[ng] C[Modoc [7k\]: All spaces need to be filled? USGO11 [-\]: yes USGO11 [-\]: since it's aga rules Modoc [7k\]: hahaha thats the point I would jack up on big time USGO11 [-\]: Now Counting.... USGO11 [-\]: Ohh the suspense :P grumpyjoe [-\]: w+3.5 IceWine [1k\]: no jenesis [4d?\]: white would have won without the ko, comfortable lead Modoc [7k\]: Se sucks at counting like this USGO11 [-\]: W + 3.5 jenesis [4d?\]: thanks mystery trancriber grumpyjoe [-\]: thanks us11 Modoc [7k\]: yes thanks for showing us the game USGO11 [-\]: Tune into the Final game Thursday! USGO11 [-\]: Cya everyone! ^_^] )