Quadratic Hamiltonians

The following table considers quadratic Hamiltonians to have a 4th degree first integral. Equations of motion are formulated using a Poisson bracket that is related to the Lie algebra e(3). Three variations are discussed in:
T. Wolf, O.V. Efimovskaya: Classification of integrable quadratic Hamiltonians on e(3), Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 8, no 2 (2003), p 155-162, (or the preprint nlin.SI/0302001).

Computations reported in the table were performed with the computer algebra system REDUCE running with 120 MB under Linux on a 1.7 GHz Pentium 4 PC.

Quadratic Hamiltonians with a Poisson structure related to the Lie algebra e(3)

problem type e(3) e(3), J_2=0 e(3) quantum
# of unknowns in the Hamiltonian171717
# of unknowns in the first integral200176200
total # of unknowns217193217
# of conditions451396451
total # of terms in all conditions546952439681
average # of terms in a condition12.113.221.5
time to solve conditions 18h 53minapprox 15h11h 43min
# of solutions666

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This page is maintained by

Thomas Wolf
E-mail: twolf@brocku.ca