
@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.99}}
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  author = {H. Fuk\'s},
  title = {Mathematical formulae on coins. Part 1: Einstein},
  journal = {The Canadian Numismatic Journal},
  year = {2016},
  volume = 61,
  number = 4,
  pages = {167-169},
  eprint = {arXiv:1609.09485},
  hfkey = {coins,popular}
  author = {H. Fuk\'s},
  title = {Mathematical formulae on coins. Part 2: from {P}ythagoras to the 20th century},
  journal = {The Canadian Numismatic Journal},
  year = {2016},
  volume = 61,
  number = 5,
  pages = {208-213},
  eprint = {arXiv:1609.09485},
  hfkey = {coins,popular}
  author = {H. Fuk\'s},
  title = {Mathematics on coins, part {I}: The Tale of Two Queens and Two Towering Figures},
  journal = {The Canadian Numismatic Journal},
  volume = {57},
  number = {5},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {304--315},
  eprint = {arXiv:1601.07394},
  hfkey = {coins,popular}
  author = {H. Fuk{\'s} },
  title = {Percolation models},
  journal = {Wiadomo{\'s}ci Naftowe i Gazowe},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {7},
  number = {99},
  pages = {14--16},
  pdf = {http://lie.ac.brocku.ca/~hfuks/publications/paper33.pdf},
  hfkey = {popular}

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