2 Dec 2024: "Towards a classification of evolution equations with Lax
pairs over the octonions" at CMS 2024 Winter meeting in session
'Applications of Symmetries, Conservation Laws, and Related Algebraic
Structures for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations'
(pdf file)
2 Jul 2024: "On Octonion Identities and Octonion Integrable Evolutionary PDEs"
at XXVIII. International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum
Symmetries ISQS28 in Prague
(pdf file)
28 Jun 2024: Talk 'Exact Solitary Wave Solutions for a Coupled
gKdV-NLS System' at 'Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'
23-29 June 2024, Bad Ems, Germany
25 Jun 2024: Talk 'About Integrable Evolution Equations with Lax Pairs
over the Octonions' at 'Open Communications in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'
23-29 June 2024, Bad Ems, Germany
2 Jun 2024: Talk "Minimal General Octonion Polynomials and Octonion Identities"
at CMS 2024 Summer meeting at U of Saskatchewan in the session 'Symmetry
Methods and Analytical Techniques for Nonlinear Partial Differential
(pdf file)
8 Apr 2024: Presentation "Is the sun really bending space and even time?
(or, what can a solar eclipse be good for?)"
on the occasion of the local total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, Brock University.
2 Apr 2024: Talk "Random Knots from TurboKnots" at the
BIRS Workshop: Knot Theory Informed by Random Models and Experimental Data,
Banff 31 Mar - 5 Apr 2024,
(pdf file)
2 Dec 2023: Talk "Radial compressible fluid flow in n>1 dimensions and
their conserved integrals, invariants, symmetries and Casimirs"
at CMS 2023 Winter meeting in Montreal in the
Session 'Models, Methods, and Solutions: New Developments in Nonlinear Partial
Differential Equations and Stochastic Differential Equations'
3 Jun 2023: Talk "Families of P-Positions in Chomp" at CMS 2023
Summer meeting at U of Ottawa in the 'Combined Games Session'
4 Jun 2023: Talk "TurboKnots" at CMS 2023 Summer meeting at U of Ottawa
in the session 'Computational Aspects in Low-Dimensional Topology and Contact Geometry'
28 Feb 2023: talk "Age Inversions of Math Contest Results" in
FYMSiC Online Teaching Meet Ups, site
2-5 Dec, 2022: talk jointly given with Stephen Anco at CMS Winter 2022
meeting in session 'Recent advances on nonlinear evolution equations'
3-5 Aug 2022: talk at Olver meeting "Symmetry, Invariants, and their
Applications: A Celebration of Peter Olver’s 70th Birthday"
2-11 June 2022: 2 talks at CMS 2022 Summer meeting in St John's:
"Comments on a Collection of Experiential Learning Resources" in session
'Learning Math Through Experimentation and Exploration' and talk
"Comments on Playing the Dots and Boxes Game" in session 'Combinatorial Game
19-22 July: Poster Generation of 7x7 Calcrostic Puzzles and Rational
Solution of Underdetermined Polynomial Systems together with Chimaobi
Amadi at ISSAC 2016, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo.
27 June: Talk Computing Symmetries and Recursion Operators of Evolutionary
Super-Sytstems at the CMS (Canadian Math Soc) summer meeting in
Edmonton, session 'Analysis and applications of differential equations
using symmetries, conservation laws, and integrability'
27 June: Co-author of talk Conservation laws of incompressible
magnetohydrodynamics presented by Stephen Anco at the CMS (Canadian Math
Soc) summer meeting in Edmonton, session 'Analysis and applications of
differential equations using symmetries, conservation laws, and
24 June: Co-author of talk Generation of 7x7 Calcrostic Puzzles and
Rational Solution of Highly Underdetermined Polynomial Systems
presented by Chimaobi Amadi at the CMS (Canadian Math
Soc) summer meeting in Edmonton, in session 'Student Research Presentations'
15-17 June: Poster and short presentations: Caribou Contests - A
Different Kind of Mathematics Contest at Superior Tech For Teachers
Conference (ST4T) 2016, Clearwater, Florida.
28 Apr: Talk Caribou Contests - A Different Kind of Mathematics
Contest at CONNECT 2016, Canada's Learning & Technology Conference
31 Mar: Panel Discussion and Press conference about Future of Go in
Canada, University of Toronto, Hart House.
7 Apr: Poster Generation of 7x7 Calcrostic Puzzles and Rational
Solution of Underdetermined Polynomial Systems together with Chimaobi
Amadi at Brock Grad student conference
8 June: talk Compatible quadratic Poisson brackets
related to a family of elliptic curves
with co-author Alexander Odesskii given at the AMMCS 2015 Conference
in Session "Geometric and Analytic Methods in Classical and Celestial Mechanics"
(pdf file)
10 June: talk Exact solutions of semilinear radial Schrödinger
equations by group foliation reduction
with co-author Stephen Anco given at the AMMCS 2015 Conference
in Session "Recent Advances in Lie Symmetry Methods and Conservation Laws
for Differential Equations and Applications".
(pdf file)
6 Dec: talk Integrability Study of Breaking-Wave Equations
with co-author Stephen Anco given at CMS Winter meeting McMaster U.
(pdf file)
7 May: poster Lax Pairs of Integrable Non-Abelian Ordinary Differential Equations
at the Compute Ontario Research Day 2014 held at the Perimeter Institute Waterloo
13-16 May: talk A group foliation method for finding exact solutions to nonlinear PDEs
co-authered with Stephen Anco given at the International Conference
"Symmetry Methods, Applications and Related Fields" celebrating the work
of George W. Bluman, UBC Vancouver.
24 March: talk The Mathematics of Seki
file), at
2013 ACGA Spring Go Expo,
23-24 March at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
co-author of talk presented by Stephen Anco at the CMS summer meeting
in Halifax in the Session on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and
their Applications: Symmetry analysis and exact solutions of nonlinear
wave equations
co-author of talk presented by Stephen Anco at the 8th IMACS
International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave
Phenomena, 2013 in the Session on Analysis and Applications of Nonlinear
Wave Equations: Symmetry analysis and exact solutions of semilinear
Schrödinger equations
24 June: talk About integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEs at Miniworkshop
"Applications of symmetries to differential equations", Brock University.
26-29 June: poster A Linear Sparse Systems Solver (LSSS) applied to the
Classification of Integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEs at the
38th International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
ISSAC 2013 pdf file
20 Aug: talk Solving very Large Linear Algebraic Systems for
Integrability Investigations at Second Brock-Kobe Bilateral Workshop
On Scientific Computation, 20-21 Aug, Brock University.
28 Aug: talk A group foliation method for finding exact solutions to
nonlinear PDEs in session "Lie symmetry and other approaches in theory and applicatios
of nonlinear equations" at the International Conference on Applied
Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science
(AMMCS2013) in Waterloo, Ontario,
pdf file
29 Aug: talk Traveling Waves and Conservation Laws for Complex
mKdV-type Equations in session "Symmetry in Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications"
at the International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science
(AMMCS2013) in Waterloo, Ontario.
11 Sep: invited talk The many faces of integrability from an algebraic computation point of view
The 15th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing
(CASC 2013)
in Berlin, Germany.
pdf file
18 Nov: talk About integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEs in Seminar
talk at Dept of Math at University of Western Ontario, London.
19 Nov: talk About integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEs in
Workshop on Applied and Integrable PDEs, Brock university.
17-20 May: talk Integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEs at the
conference Symmetries of Differential Equations: Frames, Invariants
and Applications A conference in honor of the 60th birthday of Peter
Olver, University of Minnesota (after conference talk)
13-16 June: talk Travelling waves and conservation laws for complex
mKdV-type equations at the 2012 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves
and Coherent Structures, University of Washington, Seattle,
in the session Novel Symbolic Methods to
Investigate (Integrable) Nonlinear Differential Equations that was
co-organized with Willy Hereman
pdf file
16 Oct: talk Aspects of integrability applied to
ordinary matrix differential equations at Graduiertenkolleg
Theoretisch Physikalisches Institut Universität Jena
30 Oct: talk Hyperdeterminants as integrable 3D difference
equations at
Graduiertenkolleg Theoretisch Physikalisches Institut Universität
6 Nov: talk Graph Theory applied to seki positions in the game of
Go at Graduiertenkolleg Theoretisch Physikalisches Institut
Universität Jena
8 Dec: talk Travelling waves and conservation laws for complex mKdV-type
equations at the CMS Winter Meeting in Montreal in the session
``Symmetries of Differential and Difference Equations''
9 April: poster presentation at ECCAD 2011 in Waterloo
19 April: co-author of talk Integrable non-abelian
Laurent ODE given by Olga Efimovskaya at the International Conference
Polynomial Computer Algebra
18-22 April, Euler International Mathematical Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
19 May: talk Computer algebra systems on SharcNet applied to integrability
investigations given at the
SharcNet Research Day Sheridan College, Toronto
19 May: poster Conservation laws and symmetries of quasilinear wave
equations in multi-dimensions (co-authors Stephen Anco, Stephen MacNaughton)
at same Sharcnet Research Day
15 June: talk Über integrable gewöhnliche
Matrix-Differentialgleichungen, insbesonderes das Kontsevich System
given at the Sektion Physik, University of Jena, Germany
22 July: talk Solving Large Linear Systems Related to Symmetry Investigations
of non-Abelian Laurent ODEs at the ICIAM 2011 conference, Vancouver
29 July: talk A solver for large sparse linear algebraic systems at the
conference Applied Mathematics, Modelling and Computational Science (AMMCS-2011)
in Waterloo 25-29 July 2011.
6 May: talk Calcrostics - a marathon test for the algebraic
solution of polynomial systems at the Sharcnet Research Day
York University 2010
13 and 15 May: talk The Caribou Mathematics Contest given twice
at the OAME (Ontario Association of Mathematics Educators) conference at Brock
24 - 27 June: 3 talks given at ACA'10, University of Vlora/Albania:
Computer Algebra Challenges from Integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEsCalcrostics - a marathon test for the algebraic solution of polynomial systems3-dim. scalar discrete integrable equations - an application for parallel CA
4 Oct: presentation about Go and the Brock Go club at Interest Group Fair at Brock
following an invitation of the Brock Health and Wellbeing Committee
15 Oct: talk Computer Algebra Challenges from Integrable non-abelian Laurent
ODEs at Brock Faculty Math & Sci on occasion of awarding a doctor honoris
causa to Dr. Anthony Hearn
24 Oct: talk A Dynamical Systems Approach for Static Evaluation in Go at the
7. International Conference On Baduk (ICOB 2010), in Changwon, South Korea
16 Nov: co-author of talk Integrable non-abelian Laurent
ordinary differential equations given by O. Efimovskaya
at International
algebraic conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the
Department of Higher Algebra at Moscow Stata University and the 70th
birthday of Prof. A. V. Mikhalev
5 Dec: talk Integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEs in workshop on "Symmetry methods
for Differential Equations" at the Winter 2010 meeting of the Canadian Mathematical
Society in Vancouver.
17 Feb: talk The Design and Implementation of an Influence Function for Go
at a Computer Go workshop at the Stanford Research
Institute (Menlo Park, California)
17 March: talk Poisson Structures investigated with Computer Algebra
given together with Alexander Odesskii online
in the C2C (Coast-to-Coast) seminar series, in a Canada wide broadcast
8 April: talk A dynamical Systems Approach to Computer Go
given at Computer Go workshop at Oklahoma University
15 May: talk Numerical Computer Go given online on Sharcnet Access Grid
21 May: talk Numerical Computer Go given at Sharcnet Research
Day 2009 at U of Waterloo
25 June: talk
A hybrid discrete-polynomial dynamical system
modeling board positions in the game of Go
at ACA 2009 (Applications of Computer Algebra)
25 June: talk at the same meeting
Applications of the package CRACK to simplify large systems
26 Sep: talk Positions in the Game of Go as Complex Systems
in the "ENCS'2009-International Symposium on Engineered & Natural
Systems: Modelling, Simulation & Analysis"
at the IEEE TIC-STH 2009 Conference
19 June: talk introducing Go at 2008 Brock Wellness Conference
26 June: talk Hyperdeterminats as integrable 3D difference equations
at the SIDE 8 International Conference
(Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations)
Ste-Adèle, Québec, Canada
20-23 July: receiving the
`Best Poster Award' for the poster titled On solving large
systems of polynomial equations appearing in Discrete Differential
Geometry at the ISSAC 2008 (International Symposium on Symbolic
and Algebraic Computation) in Hagenberg/Linz, Austria
27-30 July: talk Hyperdeterminants as integrable 3D difference
equations (co-authored by Sergey Tsarev) at the 14th International
Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA 2008) in Hagenberg/Linz,
11-15 Aug: talk with software demo The computer algebra
programs LiePDE, ConLaw, ApplySym and Crack for computing and applying
symmetries and conservation laws at the international conference
"Similarity: Generalizations, Applications and Open Problems",
UBC Vancouver.
9-18 Dec: talk Hat statische Analyse in Go noch Zukunft?
at Department of Mathematics at University of Jena, Germany
1 Feb: talk Parallel sparsening and
simplification of systems of equations at MSRI (Mathematical Sciences
Research Institute) at Berkeley University at the workshop "Interactive
Parallel Computation in Support of Research in Algebra, Geometry and
Number Theory"
28 Feb: presentation about the Brock Go Club to the Brock
wellness at lunch meeting.
16-19 April: talk 3-dimensional scalar discrete integrable equations at
The fifth IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution
Equations and Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens/Georgia/USA
26 April: talk at DSBN to math teachers, introducing the BBB math club
for high school students (Brock Brain Benders)
26 April: talk at OAMS Golden Section to math teachers, introducing BBB
16 June: talk Checking Life-and-Death Problems in Go
(co-authored by Lei Shen) at the Computer Games Workshop 2007
in Amsterdam taking place along the 15th World Computer-Chess
Championship, and the 12th Computer Olympiad.
21 July: talk Computer algebra challenges from the search
for 3-dimensional scalar discrete integrable equations
in the session "Symbolic Symmetry Analysis and Its Applications"
at ACA'07
(International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra)
at Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
22 July: talk About a Computer Algebra Based Online Mathtest
in the session "Computer Algebra in Education" of the same conference
28 July: talk About Parallelizing the Search for 3-Dimensional
Scalar Discrete Integrable Equations at
PASCO 2007,
pdf file
12 May : software demo to the same topic and at the same workshop as on 9 May.
27 Aug: talk Classification of 3-dimensional scalar discrete
integrable equations at the IMA Summer Programme "Symmetries and
Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations",
University of Minneapolis
10 Sep: talk "Algorithms and Software to Compute Conservation Laws of
Nonlinear PDEs" at SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and
Coherent Structures, September 9-12, 2006, University of Washington,
23-27 Oct: Poster and Software Demo Solving large overdetermined systems
with CRACK at IMA workshop "Software for Algebraic Geometry", U of Minneapolis
17 May: 2 talks at
HPCS 2005
at U. of Guelph:
Parallel Computer Algebra Applied to the Solution of Large Algebraic
Systems and
Combinatorial Generation of Monolithic Eyes in the Game of Go,
(2nd co-authored by Matthew Pratola)
19 May: talk at BISC/Brock together with Matthew Pratola:
Combinatorial Generation of Monolithic Eyes in the Game of Go
2 June: overview talk at BISC/Brock about the SHARCNET (hardware,
software, organization, future)
6 June: 2 talks at CMS summer meeting in Waterloo:
in session Invariant Theory and Differential Geometry:
Integrable Quadratic Hamiltonians on so(4) and so(3,1)
and in session Mathematics of Computer Algebra and Analysis:
Partial and complete linearization of PDEs based on conservation laws
14 June: talk at MapleSoft Company: Parallel Computer Algebra Applied to
the Solution of Large Algebraic Systems
20 June: talk at International Workshop on Combinatorial Game theory
at BIRS (Banff International Research Station): Combinatorial
Generation of Monolithic Eyes in the Game of Go co-authored by Matthew Pratola
5 July: talk About the classification of integrable hyperbolic vector PDE
FoCM 2005 (International Conference on Foundations of Computational
Mathematics) in Santander, FoCM, in workshop "Symbolic Analysis"
26 July: software demo at
ISSAC'2005 conference (July 24-27) in Beijing, China
27-31 July: co-authored talk presented by Arthemy Kiselev:
On weakly nonlocal, nilpotent and super-recursion operators for N=1
homogeneous supersymmetric chains, JINR, Dubna International Workshop
"Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries" (SQS'05)
21 Sep: talk A data base of monolithic eyes for Go
co-authored by Matthew Pratola at Computer Chess and Go workshop
at Dept. of Mathematics, Jena University, Germany
29 Sep: talk Integrable Hamiltonians of physically relevant classes
at "Einstein Woche - International Conference on General Relativity"
10 Oct: talk About solving large systems of algebraic and
differential equations at RISC (Research Inst for Symbol
Comp) at Univ of Linz, Austria
14 Oct: talk Integrating systems of linear partial differential
equations with conservation laws of syzygies
at RISC (Research Inst for Symbol Comp) at Univ of Linz, Austria
March 2004: talk at McMaster University in Applied Math seminar series
March 2004: talk at the ORCCA meeting at the University of Waterloo
April 2004: talk at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Software, Beijing
April 2004: 2 talks at DESC 2004 ``Differential Equations with
Symbolic Computation'' at Beihang University, Beijing, China
May 2004: joint talk with V V Sokolov at Workshop on Integrable and
Near-integrable Hamiltonian PDE, Fields Institute Toronto in
workshop on Integrable and Near-integrable Hamiltonian PDE
June 2004: talk at AARMS meeting in Halifax
July 2004: talk at fest colloquium on the occasion of
60th birthday of Malcolm MacCallum at Queen Mary, University of London, UK
June 2003 at workshop "Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems" in Prague
June 2003 at conference ``Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'' in Kiev
July 2003 at Dept. of Computer Sc., Univ. of Alberta
July 2003: at the workshop ``Differential invariants and invariant differential equations''
at the Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS)
July 2003: talk at Workshop 'Differential invariants and invariant
differential equations' at the Banff International Research Station
for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS)