Thomas Wolf


Computer Algebra + ODEs/PDEs

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General Relativity

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Computer Go

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Math Education

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Published papers

  1. Anco SC, Seifi S, Wolf T. 2022 Symmetries and Casimirs of radial compressible fluid flow and gas dynamics in n>1 dimensions. Proc. R. Soc. A 478: 20220511.    pdf file

  2. Thomas Wolf: Playful Learning of Formal and Informal Mathematics for Kindergarten to University, FYMSiC Newsletter: Issue 10 (1 Jul 2022) online

  3. V. Sokolov and T. Wolf: Non-commutative generalization of integrable quadratic ODE systems, Letters in Mathematical Physics, 110(3), 533-553, DOI 10.1007/s11005-019-01229-0 and arxiv:1807.05583 [nlin.SI].

  4. T. Wolf: Seki with 2 Liberties per Chain, ICGA Journal 39 (2017) 102–122, DOI 10.3233/ICG-170011, IOS Press, pdf file (pdf file of extended talk)

  5. Thomas Wolf, Chimaobi Amadi: Rational Solutions of Underdetermined Polynomial Equations, 11 pages, 2016, arXiv:1608.00697 [cs.SC,math.AC], ZIB preprint 17-33. pdf file

  6. Anco, S.C., Avdonina, E.D., Gainetdinova, A., Galiakberova, L.R., Ibragimov, N.H. and Wolf, T.: Symmetries and conservation laws of the generalized Krichever-Novikov equation, J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 49 (2016), no 10, 105201 (29 pages), also arXiv:1407.1258 [nlin.SI] pdf file

  7. T. Wolf: A Classification of Semeai with Approach Moves, ICGA Journal, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Dec 2015), pp. 224-241, arXiv:1608.02890 [math.CO] pdf file

  8. Wolf, T.: Caribou Math Contests: Not just a contest but a way of learning and enjoying math, Fields Notes, v. 15:2, p 6-7 (2015) journal pdf file, article pdf file

  9. Stephen C. Anco, Wei Feng, Thomas Wolf: Exact solutions of semilinear radial Schrodinger equations by separation of group foliation variables, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, vol 427, issue 2, (2015), p 759-786 and arXiv:1408.3751 [math-ph], pdf file

  10. Euler, M., Euler, N. and Wolf, T.: The Two-Component Camassa-Holm Equations CH(2,1) and CH(2,2): First-Order Integrating Factors and Conservation Laws, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 19, supplement 1, DOI:10.1142/S1402925112400025 (2013), pp. 13-22, pdf file

  11. Odesskii, A., Wolf, T.: Compatible quadratic Poisson brackets related to a family of elliptic curves, J. Geom. Phys. 63, 107-117 (2013), also arXiv:1204.1299, pdf file

  12. Anco, S.C., Mohiuddin, M., Wolf, T.: Traveling waves and conservation laws for complex MKdV-type equations, Appl. Math. Comput. 219 (2012) 679-698 also arXiv:1110.2403, pdf file

  13. Anco, S.C., MacNaughton, S., Wolf, T.: Conservation Laws and Symmetries of Quasilinear Wave Equations in multi-dimensions, J. Math. Phys. 53, 053703 (2012); (33 pages) (also arXiv:1109.1719) pdf file

  14. Wolf, T., Schrüfer, E., Webster, K.: Solving large linear algebraic systems in the context of integrable non-abelian Laurent ODEs, Programming and Computer Software, (2012), doi:10.1134/S0361768812020065, also arXiv: 1109.2785 (nlin.SI), dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  15. Wolf, T., Efimovskaya, O.: On integrability of the Kontsevich non-abelian ODE system, Lett. in Math. Phys., vol 100, no 2 (2012), p 161-170, DOI:10.1007/s11005-011-0527-4, arXiv:1108.4208v1 [nlin.SI], ps file, pdf file

  16. T. Wolf: A Dynamical Systems Approach for Static Evaluation in Go, IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol 3 (2011), no 2, DOI: 10.1109/TCIAIG.2011.2141669, also arXiv:1108.4220 [cs.AI] ps file, pdf file

  17. Jeongmin Kim, T.Wolf: Computers make problems of life or death by themselves? (in Korean), in Monthly Go, Journal of the Korean Baduk Association, ISSN 1228 4483, 2011, no 5, p 54-57. pdf file

  18. Anco, S.C., Ali, S. and Wolf, T.: Exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations by the method of group-foliation reduction, SIGMA 7 (2011), 066, 10 pages, also arXiv:1105.5303v4 [math-ph]. pdf file

  19. Anco, S.C., Ali, S. and Wolf, T.: Symmetry analysis and exact solutions of semilinear heat flow in multi-dimensions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 379 (2011), 748-763, also arXiv:1011.4633v3 [math.AP]. pdf file

  20. Wolf, T.: The Parametric Solution of Underdetermined linear ODEs, Programming and Computer Software, 37 (2011), Number 2, 62-70, DOI: 10.1134/S0361768811020113 pdf file

  21. Hussin, V., Kiselev, A.V., Krutov, A.O., Wolf, T.: N=2 Supersymmetric a=4 - Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy derived via Gardner's deformation of Kaup-Bousinesq equation, J. Math. Phys. 51, 083507 (2010); doi:10.1063/1.3447731 (19 pages) link

  22. Tsarev, S.P. and Wolf, T.: Hyperdeterminants as integrable discrete systems, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 42 (2009), doi: 10.1088/1751-8113/42/45/454023, 9 pages. also arXiv:0903.3864 (nlin.SI) dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  23. T. Wolf: Positions in the game of Go as Complex Systems, Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference (TIC-STH 2009) - Science and Technology for Humanity, IEEE, Toronto, pp. 222-229, ISBN 978-1-4244-3878-5. ps file, pdf file

  24. Wolf, T., Neun, W.: About a Computer Algebra based online Mathtest, in Michael J Wester, Michel Beaudin (eds), "Computer Algebra in Education", p. 1-6, ISBN-978-0-9754541-9-6, Aulonna Press 2008 (Proceedings of the session "Computer Algebra in Education" at the Int. Conf. on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA'07)). dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  25. Tsarev, S.P. and Wolf, T.: Classification of 3-dimensional integrable scalar discrete equations, arXiv:0706.2464, Lett. in Math. Phys. 84, (2008), number 1, p. 31-39, DOI:10.1007/s11005-008-0230-2. dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  26. Wolf, T.: On Solving Large Systems of Polynomial Equations Appearing in Discrete Differential Geometry, Programming and Computer Software, 34 (2008), no 2, p 75-83, DOI: 10.1134/S0361768808020047 pdf file

  27. Anco, S., Bluman, G. and Wolf, T.: Invertible Mappings of Nonlinear PDEs through Admitted Conservation Laws, Acta Appl Math 2008, electronic publication: pdf file

  28. Adel Bouchareb, Chiang-Mei Chen, Gérard Clément, Dmitri V. Gal'tsov, Nikolai G. Scherbluk, and Thomas Wolf: G2 generating technique for minimal D=5 supergravity and black rings, Phys. Rev. D 76, 104032 (2007) [arXiv:0708.2361 [hep-th]]. ps file, pdf file

  29. T. Wolf and L. Shen: Checking Life & Death Problems in Go I: The Program ScanLD, ICGA Journal, vol. 30 (2007), no. 2, p67-74. ps file

  30. T. Wolf: Two Applications of a Life & Death Problem Solver in Go, Journal of ÖGAI, Vol. 26 (2007), no. 2, 11-18 (special issue for the European Go Championship in Vienna 2007). ps file

  31. Kiselev, A. and Wolf, T.: Classification of integrable super-equations by the SsTools environment, Comp Phys Comm, Vol. 177, no. 3 (2007) p 315-328 (and on arXiv: nlin.SI/0609065). dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  32. Wolf, T.: Integrable quadratic Hamiltonians with a linear Lie-Poisson bracket, Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 38, no 6(2006) 1115-1127, DOI 10.1007/s10714-006-0293-2 (online jounal issue).

  33. Kiselev, A. and Wolf, T.: Supersymmetric Representations and Integrable Super-Extensions of the Burgers and Bussinesq Equations, SIGMA, Vol. 2 (2006), Paper 030, 19 pages (arXiv math-ph/0511071). ps file, pdf file

  34. Sokolov, V.V. and Wolf, T.: Integrable quadratic Hamiltonians on so(4) and so(3,1), J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) 1915-1926. (arXiv: nlin.SI/0405066) pdf file

  35. Anco, S. and Wolf, T.: Erratum on `Some symmetry classifications of hyperbolic vector evolution equations', nlin.SI/0412015, JNMP, Volume 12, no 4 (2005), p 607-608.

  36. Wolf, T.: Partial and Complete Linearization of PDEs Based on Conservation Laws, in: Trends in Mathematics: Differential Equations with Symbolic Computation, p. 291-306, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel/Switzerland, Ed. Dongming Wang, Zhiming Zheng (2005), also as preprint arXiv nlin.SI/0501034 (2004). dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  37. T. Tsuchida and T. Wolf: Classification of polynomial integrable systems of mixed scalar and vector evolution equations. I, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 (2005) 7691-7733 and on arxiv as nlin.SI/0412003. pdf file

  38. Anco, S. and Wolf, T.: Some symmetry classifications of hyperbolic vector evolution equations, nlin.SI/0412015 (2004), Journal of Nonl. Math. Physics, 12, Supplement 1 (2005), p 13 - 31. dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  39. T. Wolf: Applications of CRACK in the Classification of Integrable Systems, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes, 37 (2004) pp. 283-300. dvi file, ps file

  40. T. Wolf, O.V. Efimovskaya: Classification of integrable quadratic Hamiltonians on e(3), Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 8, no 2 (2003), p 155-162. dvi file, ps file

  41. M. Pratola and T. Wolf: Optimizing GoTools' Search Heuristics using Genetic Algorithms, ICGA Journal 26 (2003), no 1, pp. 28-49. ps file

  42. T. Wolf: The integration of systems of linear PDEs using conservation laws of syzygies, J. of Symb. Comp. 35, no 5 (2003) 499-526. dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  43. N. Euler, T. Wolf, P.G.L. Leach and M. Euler: Linearizable Third-Order ODEs and Generalised Sundman Transformations: The Case X'''=0, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 76, (2003) Issue 1, March, 89-115.
    dvi file, ps file

  44. T. Wolf: A comparison of four approaches to the calculation of conservation laws, Euro. Jnl of Applied Mathematics 13 part 2 (2002) 129-152. dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  45. T. Wolf: Size reduction and partial decoupling of systems of equations, J. Symb. Comp., 33 (no. 3) (2002) 367-383. dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  46. V.V. Sokolov and T. Wolf: Classification of integrable polynomial vector evolution equations, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) 11139-11148. dvi file, ps file

  47. T. Wolf: The Symbolic Integration of Exact PDEs, J. Symb. Comp. 30 (no. 5) (2000) 619-629. dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  48. T. Wolf: Forward pruning and other heuristic search techniques in tsume go, Information Sciences 122 (no. 1) (2000) pp. 59-76. ps file

  49. T. Wolf, A. Brand, M. Mohammadzadeh: Computer algebra algorithms and routines for the computation of conservation laws and fixing of gauge in differential expressions, J. Symb. Comp., 27 (1999) 221-238. dvi file, ps file,

  50. V.V. Sokolov, T. Wolf: A symmetry test for quasilinear coupled systems, Inverse Problems 15 (1998) L5-L11. dvi file ps file

  51. T. Wolf: Structural equations for Killing tensors of arbitrary rank Comp. Phys. Comm., 115 (1998) 316 - 329. dvi file
    ps file

  52. T. Wolf: Killing Pairs in Flat Space, Gen Rel and Grav , 30 (1998) 123-129.

  53. M. Mars, T. Wolf: G_2 Perfect-Fluid Cosmologies with a proper conformal Killing Vector, Class. Quantum Grav. 14 (1997) 2303-2330.

  54. T. Wolf, A. Brand: Examples of the investigation of differential equations with modularized programs, Mathl. Comput. Modelling 25 (1997), no 8/9, 133 - 139.

  55. T. Wolf: About computer go and the tsume go program GoTools, Special issue of BIT (ISBN 00110-2-57035) (1997) 139-149.

  56. H. Stephani & T. Wolf: Spherically symmetric perfect fluids in shear-free motion - the symmetry approach, Class. Quantum Grav. 13 (1996) 1261 - 1271.

  57. T. Wolf, A. Brand: Approaches to solving nonlinear ODEs, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 42, (1996) 391-398.

  58. T. Wolf, G.Grebot: Automatic symmetry investigation of space-time metrics, Internat.J.of Modern Physics D. 3, No 1 (1994) 323-326.

  59. T. Wolf, G. Neugebauer: About the non-existence of perfect fluid bodies with the Kerr metric outside , J.Class & Quantum Grav. 9, (1992) no.3 L37-L42

  60. V. Sokolov, S. Svinolupov, T. Wolf: Linearizable evolutionary equations of second order, Physics Lett.A , 163, (1992), pp.415-418

  61. H.J. Pohle, T. Wolf: Automatic Determination of Dynamical Symmetries of Ordinary Differential Equations, Computing 41, (1989) 297-307.

  62. T. Wolf: A class of perfect fluid metrics with flat three-dimensional hypersurfaces, J. Math. Phys. 27, (1987) 2340-53.

  63. T. Wolf: About vacuum solutions of Einstein's field equations with flat three-dimensional hypersurfaces, J. Math. Phys. 27, (1987) 2354-9.

  64. T. Wolf: A note on the equivalence of two vacuum solutions, Class. & Quantum Grav. 3, (1986)725.

  65. T. Wolf: An analytic algorithm for decoupling and integrating systems of nonlinear partial differential equations, J. of Comp. Phys. 60, no. 3, (1985) 437-46.
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In conference proceedings

  1. Stephen C. Anco, Philic Lam and Thomas Wolf: A search for integrable evolution equations with Lax pairs over the octonions, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2912 (2024) 012045,

  2. T. Wolf: A library of eyes in Go, I: Life & death definition consistent with `bent-4', Games of No Chance 3, MSRI Publications, Vol 56, 233-246, 2009. (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Game theory at BIRS in June 2005 (Banff International Research Station)). pdf file

  3. T. Wolf, M. Pratola: A library of eyes in Go, II: Monolithic eyes, Games of No Chance 3, MSRI Publications, Volume 56, 249-268, 2009. (Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Game theory at BIRS in June 2005 (Banff International Research Station)). pdf file

  4. T. Wolf and L. Shen: Checking Life & Death Problems in Go I: The Program ScanLD, Proceedings of the Computer Games Workshop 2007 (CGW 2007), MICC Technical Report Series, ISSN 0922-8721, number 07-06 (2007), p71-80. ps file

  5. Kiselev, A. and Wolf, T.: On weakly non-local, nilpotent, and super-recursion operators for N=1 homogeneous super-equations, Proc. Int. Workshop ``Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries'' (SQS'05), Dubna, July 24-31, 2005. JINR, p. 231-237. (arXiv nlin.SI/0511056) dvi file, ps file, pdf file

  6. T. Tsuchida and T. Wolf: Classification of integrable coupled systems with one scalar and one vector unknown (in Japanese), in RIMS Kokyuroku, ISSN 0034-5318, No. 1302 (2003) pp. 68-90 (Proceedings of the conference "New Developments in the Research of Integrable Systems --- Continuous, Discrete, Ultra-discrete", July 31-August 2, 2002, RIMS, Kyoto Univ.).

  7. T. Wolf: Heuristic search in the tsumego program GoTools, Proceedings of JCIS 98, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Oct 1998.

  8. T. Wolf: About problems in generalizing a tsumego program to open positions, in Proceedings of the GPW'96 in Hakone/Japan, (Sep. 1996), 20-26.

  9. T. Wolf: Programs for Applying Symmetries of PDEs, ISSAC-95, 7-15, ACM Press, (1995).

  10. T. Wolf: The program GoTools and its computer-generated tsume go database, Proceedings of the Game Programming Workshop in Japan'94, Hakone/Japan, (Oct. 1994) 84-96. pdf file

  11. T. Wolf, A. Brand: Heuristics for Solving Overdetermined Systems of Partial Differential Equations, in Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics ed. by J.H.Johnson, S.McKee & A.Vella, The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Oxford University Press, (1994) 225-232.

  12. T. Wolf: An efficiency improved program LIEPDE for determining Lie-symmetries of PDEs, Proc.of Modern Group Analysis: advanced analytical and computational methods in mathematical physics, Catania, Italy Oct.1992, Kluwer Acad.Publ. (1993) 377-385.

  13. T. Wolf: Quality improvements in tsume Go mass production, Proc.of the Second GO & Computer Science Workshop, Cannes, 1993, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis

  14. T. Wolf: Generating tsume go problems with GoTools, in Proc.of the Fourth International Computer Olympidade, London, (1992)

  15. T. Wolf: The Computer Algebra Package CRACK for investigating PDEs, with A Brand, in proceedings of ERCIM, Partial Diffential Equations and Group Theory, Bonn, (1992)

  16. T. Wolf: Tsume Go, with Risiko, in the Proc.of the First Go & Computer Sc.Workshop, Cannes, (1992), INRIA Sophia-Antipolis

  17. T. Wolf: Tsume Go on a Computer, Proceedings of the ICOT-workshop, (Nov. 1991) in Tokyo.

  18. T. Wolf: Investigating tsumego problems with "RisiKo", in "Heuristic Programming in Artificial Intelligence 2" ed. D.N.L. Levy, D.F. Beal, Ellis Horwood Limited (1991), 153-160.

  19. T. Wolf: A package for the analytic investigation and exact solution of differential equations, Proc. EUROCAL 87, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. 378, (1989) 479-91.

  20. T. Wolf: Analytical decoupling, decision of compatibility and partial integration of systems of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations, Proc. EUROCAL 85, Lect. Notes of Comp. Sci. 204, (1985) 597-98.
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Other publications

  1. T. Wolf: Caribou-Wettbewerbe, Die Wurzel, Zeitschrift für Mathematik, 9+10/2023, 227-229 issue pdf file

  2. Wolf, T.: Caribou Math Contests: Not just a contest but a way of learning and enjoying math, Fields Notes, v. 15:2, p 6-7 (2015) pdf file

  3. Jeongmin Kim, T.Wolf: Computers make problems of life or death by themselves? (in Korean), in Monthly Go, Journal of the Korean Baduk Association, ISSN 1228 4483, 2011, no 5, p 54-57. pdf file

  4. T. Wolf, Y. Seo: Unseen hard Life & Death Problems, book manuscript, 203 pages (2011). pdf file

  5. T. Wolf, Y. Seo: Unseen moderate Life & Death Problems, book manuscript, 203 pages (2011). pdf file

  6. T. Wolf: Calcrostics - a marathon test for the algebraic solution of polynomial systems, talk given at ACA'10 (June 24-27, 2010), University of Vlora/Albania pdf file

  7. T. Wolf: The Caribou Mathematics Contest, talk given at the OAME 2010 Annual Conference Mathematics on the Brink (13-15 May, 2010, Brock University). pdf file

  8. Book: T. Wolf: Mastering Ladders, Richmond, VA: Slate & Shell, 2008. ISBN 1-932001-40-9

  9. T. Wolf: Weiqi and Artificial Intelligence, in the journal "The World of Weiqi", ISSN 1002-8706, no 4, 2006, p63-64 (in Chinese). pdf file

  10. T. Wolf: A Visit to the Chinese Go Association, Canadian Go Gazette 2003-2004, 20-21.

  11. T. Wolf: Crack, LiePDE, ApplySym and ConLaw, section 4.3.5 and computer program on CD-ROM in: Grabmeier, J., Kaltofen, E. and Weispfenning, V. (Eds.): Computer Algebra Handbook, Springer (2002) pp. 465-468. dvi file, ps file

  12. T. Wolf: Conservation Laws for Geodesic Motion in Curved Spaces and PDEs, section in: Grabmeier, J., Kaltofen, E. and Weispfenning, V. (Eds.): Computer Algebra Handbook, Springer (2002) pp. 187-190. dvi file, ps file

  13. T. Wolf: The Diamond, British Go Journal, 108 (1997), 34-36.

  14. T. Wolf: The program CRACK for solving PDEs in General Relativity, in F.W. Hehl, R.A. Puntigam, and H. Ruder (Eds.): Relativity and Scientific Computing: Computer Algebra, Numerics, Visualization Springer Verlag (1996), 241-258.

  15. T. Yoshikawa, K. Ishihara, T. Wolf: About a tsumego processor (in Japanese) Computer Today, 69, (1995) No 9, p 48-54.

  16. T. Wolf, A. Brand: Investigating DEs with CRACK and Related Programs, SIGSAM Bulletin, Special Issue, (June 1995), p 1-8.

  17. T. Wolf: APPLYSYM - a package for the application of Lie-symmetries, software distributed together with the computer algebra system REDUCE, (1995).

  18. T. Wolf: Solving overdetermined PDE-systems with CRACK, software included in the REDUCE network library, Aug.(1992)

  19. T. Wolf: Go und Künstliche Intelligenz (I), 'Die Wurzel, Zeitschrift für Mathematik, 12/93, 270-276

  20. H. Stephani, T. Wolf: Perfect fluid and vacuum solutions of Einstein's field equations with flat 3-dim slices, in Galaxies, axisymmetric systems and relativity: essays presented to W. B. Bonnor on his 65th birthday, ed. by Malcolm MacCallum, CUP, (1985) 275-87.
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